Tag: <span>Complementary Medicine</span>

“Foolish the doctor who despises the knowledge acquired by the ancients.”

~ Hippocrates1


Meeting ‘Tiddy’ was a momentous and stupifying event for me.

In middle school, about half a century back, we were a gang of three. The gang of Tiddy, Lambu and Motu was infamous for all the mischief that happened in the class. I was Motu, the sluggish one, who liked making plans. The other two were the active ones – the muscles. The name Tiddy (a grasshopper) was given because of his small frame and his penchant for pole-vaulting as a sport.Those were our most fun-filled days. read more


1 https://quotespond.com/hippocrates/foolish-the-doctor-who-despises-the-knowledge-acquired-by-the-ancients/

Complementary Medicine COVID-19 Medical Practice Pharmaceutical Industry